S.06 E.20 – Aaron Thompson (aka “Small Hands”) of Empty Streets

interview under fire podcast s06 e20 aaron thompson small hands of empty streets

In the final episode of season 6, we welcome a multi-dimensional talent in Aaron Thompson. While also known by many others as “Small Hands” for being one of the most celebrated adult films stars in the modern era, it’s just the beginning for Aaron. As he is winning awards in multiple outlets for “Male Performer Of The Year”, he is also furthering himself as a musician in his solo-project titled “Empty Streets”. This all started in the early 2000s for Aaron – and it includes playing in bands like The Stranger’s Six and Fenix TX, and performing in the acclaimed Warped Tour. There is a sense of staying humble and finding that medium between and the fame and the void, and Aaron seems to have found it with a passion unmatched. We talk about his beginnings in the music and adult film world, including his immeasurable bond with his wife, life partner and fellow pornstar actress legend, Joanna Angel. This is an exciting time for someone like Aaron, and he has big things planned down the line for himself in both industries, so make sure you tune in to this great conversation we had with a dedicated individual in everything he takes part in. And lastly, his newest EP, titled “Age Of Regret” is set to drop this June. The Jack Of All Trades, doing what he does best.

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