Our Interviews

All the thrash any metal fan can ever ask for; the mighty Virginia-based band Municipal Waste have dropped their highly-anticipated album “Electrified Brain,” and the reception has been nothing short of, well, electrifying.

“Loser," "Trainwreck," "Another Day In Paradise." These are titles that carry much weight to rising Arizona-born, LA-based singer-songwriter Kailee Morgue.

We caught up with the enthralling frontwoman Vicky Psarakis of Canadian extreme metal outfit, The Agonist.

During their tour stop in Dallas, TX, Andy Marsh talks about his love for getting back out on the road again after 2 years, including the fun story behind the title of the tour, "Back From The Gulag."

IUF recently caught up with the great dudes of the "Trash Rock" outfit, Felicity, during the So What?! Music Fest in Arlington, TX.

After 6 long years, it's time to welcome back French easycore favorites Chunk! No, Captain Chunk! to the States.